Blog a la Cart

Month: July, 2012


A gentle reminder to please join the bone marrow registry over at Be The Match. I received the most incredible emails and stories in response to this post, including a woman who donated to a five year old boy over 19 years ago. I can’t think of a more powerful gift to give than that of life.

And I was particularly touched by a story I received from one reader. She gave me permission to share a snippet of her email here:

I wanted to thank you SO MUCH for your post about Be the Match. This coming Wednesday, I head to Boston to donate bone marrow to my little brother, who went to his school health clinic in June with a nagging cold, and left with a diagnosis that has changed our lives.  We were lucky that I’m a match (only 25% chance for siblings), but after this experience, I’ll be on the registry for life.  Thank you, and with the eerie timing of your post, I had to say it out loud!

My thoughts are with her and her brother as they recover from yesterday’s donation. I hope you’ll consider joining Be The Match, too.

Etsy a la Cart

Per readers’ requests, I have opened an Etsy shop with a select number of my various utility cord and crocheted friendship bracelets available. Head on over to Etsy a la Cart to add to your wrist party!

Photos: Courtesy of Ashley Weeks Cart

Pilot Machines

My favorite musicians, Darlingside, launched their first full length album yesterday. You would be crazy not to go buy Pilot Machines immediately. Not only are they some of the smartest, kindest, funniest, most talented dudes I know, their tunes and lyrics are pure genius. I seriously cannot say enough good things about them. And it’s not just because James and I get a shout out in the notes section of the album. But that certainly adds to my outpouring of love for them.

This stop motion video using tea lights is just one example of their humor and creativity.

Purchase, listen, share, rock. Repeat.

You can buy the album on iTunes. Learn more about tour dates on the Darlingside website (as they’re even more incredible to hear live). And of course, like the shit out of them on Facebook


Apparently you can take the Beverly Hills out of the girl.

And “hill” can take on an entirely new use.

I’d say that these photos are proof of Addison’s full integration into farm life.

I’ll have you know that while I was away at the conference, I was sent these images. James is encouraging the overall shorts sans t-shirt wearing agenda.

It’s simultaneously disturbing and delightful. My daughters, the country bumpkins. Words and realities I never thought I’d experience. And yet…

The girls are totally digging the Big Kid Coop, btdubs.

Is she not the sweetest thing in the entire Universe? And am I not the craziest chicken lady in the entire Universe? I promise a non-chicken related post soon. Pinky swear.

Photos: Courtesy of James Whaley Cart


I just returned from a two day conference in the Pioneer Valley of Massachusetts, but couldn’t resist sharing this compelling and touching project that landed in my inbox while I was away by photographer Charlotte Dumas. Aptly titled Retrieved, her photographs capture the 15 remaining search and rescue dogs that helped in the wake of 9/11. The project was inspired by the tenth anniversary of 9/11 last September and the nearly one hundred dogs that were deployed to the World Trade Center and Pentagon in the aftermath of the tragedy.

I felt this was a turning point, especially for the dogs, who although are not forgotten, are not as prominent as the human stories involved. They speak to us as a different species, and animals are greatly important for our sense of empathy and to put things into perspective. – Charlotte Dumas

They too are heroes.

Our world would be a much sadder, sorrier place without our canine companions. We are unbelievably lucky to call these animals our friends.

For more details about the project and to purchase Retrieved visit here.

Currently Playing

As a girl who grew up with a father who read her bedtime stories with a Yoda puppet, complete with Yoda voice, you can imagine that this video makes my heart soar.

I’m waving my nerd flag. Proudly.

Chickens: 1 Month

This was a weekend of free cultural performance art and chickens.

We live in the Berkshires after all. World renowned art and country living go hand and hand. And man, it has me crushing so hard on our geography.

We spent our days cleaning and prepping the “Big Kid” chicken coop for the girls. And then yesterday afternoon, we made the transition from brooder to coop.

Everyone is still alive.

Conclusion: Transition success! That’s my bar. Not dead? Thumbs up!

It’s hard to believe that these chicks are going to nearly quadruple in size before they reach maturity. I already think that they are ginormous.

Sunny is positively obsessed with them. Particularly the Barred Rocks, as has been the ongoing narrative.

She palms them in one hand. Sings them lullabies. Offers kisses.

They are going to be the most mellow hens on Planet Earth thanks to all this handling.

Or the most traumatized. The verdict’s still out on that one.

In Sunny’s defense, we’re babysitting three of our friends’ chicks and in just four days time, James and I have noticed a marked difference in the birds’ personalities. They are far less skittish and cheerpy. Far easier to handle and hold.

Sunny, The Chicken Whisperer.

Now that we’ve made the big transition to the barn coop, we’ve got to wait 16 more weeks, FOUR MORE MONTHS, before we see our first farm fresh egg. Here’s hoping that the bar of “Not Dead” holds, eh?

Photos: Courtesy of Ashley Weeks Cart

Currently Quoting


This is shaping up to be one of the best summers on the books. Which is impressive given that I grew up on the ocean and have many outrageously fun summers under my belt.

Brava, Vermont.

Here are some snaps from last Sunday during a dip in our neighbor’s pool to wind down after a weekend of partying like rock stars. Or, in my and Kimmy’s case, like Kirsten on Santa Lucia. Get enough champagne in my system and I will work the shit out of a flower wreath headdress.


Now I’m gearing up for a weekend filled with live music, free outdoor theater, and rock opera.

Oh, and giving The Berkshires a big, sticky open mouthed kiss.

Happy weekend, all. See ya later!

Photos: Courtesy of Ashley Weeks Cart

Overheard // 3

I am certain that the gentlemen of Northern Landscaping think our daughter was raised by a pack of wolves. I have no idea why…


Standing in the middle of the yard, while three workmen build our new fence…

James: Um, Addison, why are you naked?

Her: Daddy, it’s a really nice day out. I don’t need pants.

James: Oh really…

Her: Fine. I just need TWO underpants, but not other pants.*

*She proceeded to wear two pairs of undies layered for the rest of the day.


Once again, standing in the middle of the yard, among the three relative strangers…

James: ABSOLUTELY NOT! You absolutely do not poop in the yard, ADDISON.

Me: Dude, you let her pee in the yard, how would she know that #2 is verboten yet #1 is fair game?

Her: But Ursa and Hanna poop in the yard, Daddy. 

James: Ughhhhh…