Overheard // 3

by Ashley Weeks Cart

I am certain that the gentlemen of Northern Landscaping think our daughter was raised by a pack of wolves. I have no idea why…


Standing in the middle of the yard, while three workmen build our new fence…

James: Um, Addison, why are you naked?

Her: Daddy, it’s a really nice day out. I don’t need pants.

James: Oh really…

Her: Fine. I just need TWO underpants, but not other pants.*

*She proceeded to wear two pairs of undies layered for the rest of the day.


Once again, standing in the middle of the yard, among the three relative strangers…

James: ABSOLUTELY NOT! You absolutely do not poop in the yard, ADDISON.

Me: Dude, you let her pee in the yard, how would she know that #2 is verboten yet #1 is fair game?

Her: But Ursa and Hanna poop in the yard, Daddy. 

James: Ughhhhh…