
by Ashley Weeks Cart

When I’m not cleaning up diarrhea and vomit and trying to figure out what is causing these explosions (Not liver disease! Not diabetes! Kidney infection? Leukemia? (I shouldn’t even write that word. It’s too terrifying. I need to stay the hell away from Google Rx and await the doctor’s call about the info in Sunny’s stool and urine sample. All we do know right now is that her white blood cell count is high and she’s been sick for going on four weeks. Weeee!) This situation has taught me and James the wonders of helping a toddler pee in a cup, poop in a hat, stomach a blood draw, and swallow adult prescription pills. It’s a barrel of health and wellness chez Cart! (Enough parentheticals! Even I’ve lost my train of thought so I can only imagine how this post is going for you. (Not well)))…

As I was saying, when I’m not playing Nurse Nancy, I’m marveling at our second born who can sit up unassisted for minutes at a time and can make her way across a room through a series of rolls and yoga poses and army crawls. We have a full blown baby in our midst. And it’s outrageously fun and adorable.

Behold! Because video of puke and feces isn’t nearly as endearing!

P.S. Now James is hanging close to the bathroom and I’m incapacitated by a period-induced migraine. Curses! *fist shaking to the sky*

After 16 months without, I’m less-than-pleased with Flow’s timing.

Happy weekend to us!