The Purple People Smoothie

by Ashley Weeks Cart

In an effort to ward off all the bad juju that has been attacking the health of this household’s inhabitants, I’ve been drowning my body in smoothies filled with leafy greens. I’m putting my madd blendito skillz to work (yes, that is a real word, “blendito,” and yes, I totally was one for a full three months after moving to Southern California).

Sunny has not thrown up for the past two nights (progress!) and her poop is solid. I repeat, her poop is solid. Primarily because the anti-nausea medication she’s on has completely stopped up her system, but regardless, at least she is retaining nutrients! (Again, progress!)

This morning, while James took up residence in the bathroom, Sunny and I imbibed this concoction of anti-oxidants and healthfulness.

We dubbed the resulting beverage The Purple People Smoothie (perfect for us fanatical Ephs) – otherwise known as a banana, blueberry, kale, parsley, apple juice blend.

If all this talk of bodily fluids hasn’t totally cramped your appetite, you can make this concoction yourself with the following recipe – it’s shockingly delicious.

The Purple People Smoothie
1 frozen banana
1/2 c. of frozen blueberries
Handful of parsley
Handful of kale
1 c. apple juice (or enough juice to easily blend the ingredients)

Throw in a blender and presto! You have The Purple People Smoothie

Photos & Recipe: Courtesy of Ashley Weeks Cart