Blog a la Cart

Month: March, 2012

Sunny and BFF

It is an amazing thing to watch Addison transition into a world of play where she is aware and engaged with her peers.

We attended brunch at a friend’s house last Sunday, and Addison delighted in playing with her pal, EsmĂ© from preschool. They held hands and jumped on the dog bed. They “read” stories. They giggled. And laughed. And chased each other all around the house.

And it was pure awesome.

Looks like a bestie in the making.

They’re so in sync that they mean mug simultaneously. This photo cracks me up.

Currently Styling

Thanks to Lydia, Sunny is now letting us style her hair, daily.

Today we tackled fishtail braid pigtails.

She’s like a living doll. And it’s awesome.




Currently Gawking

The DVF/Gap Kids line. Which sold out in a hot second this morning.

It’s for the best. My wallet and James thank the speed of The Internet cyber shoppers that beat me to the punch.


Currently Playing

We live in a town where a local couple regularly hosts musicians in their living room for small house concerts. They appropriately call themselves Billsville House Concerts.

Pretty neat, eh?

After Darlingside participated in their line-up last fall, James and I signed up for the BHC newsletter. A month or so ago we received an email from them about an upcoming concert with musician Joe Fletcher. I took a gander at the embedded music video and my jaw hit the floor when I recognized the face of the gal in the video as someone for whom I used to babysit.

Small freaking world.

Thanks to the creepy connectedness of Facebook, I hopped on and confirmed that it was indeed Mackenzie that I’d spotted in the video and that she was the sweetheart to said musician In Real Life, not just in the video world. And, yes, she’s as strikingly gorgeous in person as she is in the video. True statement.

It was this very concert that James and I attended the night that this happened. We purchased Joe’s album, and honestly haven’t stopped listening to it. We particularly love rocking out to Drunk & Single.

Cuz I’m drunk. Single. And there’s no two ways about it.
You try talking sense in me, but I’ve lived all my life without it.

Appropriate lyrics for a preschooler to belt at the top of her lungs, no? But what can we say, Sunny digs his sound just as much as her parents.

Currently Reading

This is an old Dave Barry column from 2009 about colonoscopies but my dad sent it to me and James because after the past month of gastro-wonders, this description resonates in a visceral way:

MoviPrep is a nuclear laxative. I don’t want to be too graphic, here, but: Have you ever seen a space shuttle launch? This is pretty much the MoviPrep experience, with you as the shuttle. There are times when you wish the commode had a seat belt. You spend several hours pretty much confined to the bathroom, spurting violently. You eliminate everything. And then, when you figure you must be totally empty, you have to drink another liter of MoviPrep, at which point, as far as I can tell, your bowels travel into the future and start eliminating food that you have not even eaten yet.

In the words of my father, “Although the Carts do not need to worry about such things for another 20 years or so, given your recent bouts with similar effects, I thought you might enjoy the humor!”

And indeed I did, Doda.

I laughed so hard I cried. It’s just so… very… accurate.

Aaaaand, I think that this has fulfilled my poop quota on the blog for the day, no?


I know. How many pictures can I post on this here blog paying homage my daughters’ eyes?

Too many.

Bear Crawl

I love her approach to crawling. Except when she careens forward and lands square on her baby head.

That’s not so good for the noggin’.

Kaki & Mama

I love this kid. Crazy much. She is a riot. And I owe her a birthday letter. STAT.


The Gerber Baby

Seriously. This baby has got it. Those cheeks! Those big blue eyes! That button nose! The chub!

Let’s all collectively swoon, shall we? I sure did. All weekend long. Fortunately, Alison was accommodating of my swooning and let me hold her and nom her cheeks without any fuss.

Kaki could learn a thing or two from her pal when it comes to the allowance of such cradling and snuggling.

Photos: Courtesy of Ashley Weeks Cart

Cute Overload

We spent our weekend surrounded by these faces.

And it was grand.

Despite another round of diarrhea infiltrating the household.

WHAT?! I couldn’t resist the mention of poop.

Who’s blog do you think this is?
