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Category: The Sunny Side

The Sunny Side // 4


“Polka dots make me happy. I bet that they’ll make other people happy, too.”

The Sunny Side // 3


Yesterday morning, I awoke Sunny with an enthusiastic, “HAPPY SPRING!”

She wearily looked outside at the delightful wintry mix of death and indignantly declared, “Mommy, it is absolutely NOT spring. There is ice and snow everywhere.”

Later that afternoon, while selecting her painting to share with all of you, she chose this one, stating, “Mama, THIS is what spring is supposed to look like.”

Amen to that, sister.

The Sunny Side // 2


“I’ve never seen a blue flower in real life, so I made one.”

The Sunny Side // 1


As I’ve mentioned, Sunny is our budding artiste. She spends all of her free play at school standing by an easel. We come home with a fresh stack of paintings daily. Her teacher commented today, “Pretty soon you’ll be able to wallpaper your whole house!”

Sunny is as enamored with my friend Katie’s gorgeous illustration work as I am, and this evening, as we were once again awestruck watching one of her creatures unfold before our eyes, Sunny inquired:

Mommy, can I do that?

Do what, sweetie?

Show other people my art?

And lo, The Sunny Side was born. Expect many rainbow explosions, and flowers, and butterflies, and hearts. I am proud and happy to indulge one of my children’s true passions, however fleeting it may be. First up, we present: Polka Dot Dance