

September 11th brings many people and feelings and memories to the fore of my thoughts, a day of such loss and fear and broken innocence, but no thought more profoundly than my love and admiration for my brave, inspiring friend, Devita.

Today Devita shared this on her FB wall, and I wanted to share it with you all here so that perhaps you are inspired to Pay It Forward in honor of a fallen hero: “Say not in grief he is no more, but live in thankfulness that he was.” It’s still hard to fathom that it’s been 13 years since that fateful day at the Pentagon that changed my family’s life and even harder to think that I’ve “outlived” my big brother by 7 years. Nonetheless, I know he’s proud of the woman I’ve become and I am honored to be able to share his life with those whom I know & interact (be it virtually or physically). To honor his life and legacy, I ask that each of you pay a favor forward today as this was Romeo’s mantra and the way he lived his life. So whether it’s buying a drink for a stranger at the bar or holding the door open for someone or paying for the car behind you’s toll, please pay a favor forward and share my brother’s story as a way to keep his memory alive. And for those of you who had the privilege to know Romeo, you know he’s partying it up somewhere – so take a drink for and with him And lastly, thank you from the bottom of my heart for the ongoing support and love. #WeRemember #Sept11 #NeverForget

She visited us on the farm in late May, and spent the weekend as part of the family, playing with the girls, planting seedlings in the garden, painting the porch, bonding with Gladdy (Devita knew Ursa from day 1, and is the dog that helped Devita find her own love of canines), taking selfies with farm life (see the final images below) and generally snuggling and drinking beer and laughing and just being. How I miss the days when we shared an office and a quick 2 minute walk divided our apartments. I am grateful for many things today, but above all, today I am grateful for a friendship with this inspiring soul.














^^Devita gifted Sunny that tutu and Kaki that outrageously cute sunsuit of smocked octopus.^^



