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Not So Much a Puppy


Yesterday was rather ranty on the blog, so today I give you a photo of a-not-so-much-puppy-turned-dog that makes our family so unbelievably happy. We hope that she too puts a smile on your face. Happy weekend, friends!

TBT // 2

One year ago…

James and I have a strong, healthy marriage because of our mutual respect and admiration for one another, not because of our shared obsession with bovine decor and purple apparel and the name of the institution attached to our diplomas. What we want to teach our daughters is that they should look for partners that challenge them, respect them, and share common values. And we’d do the same for our sons. Stressing that they need not marry someone from Alma mater like mom and dad, or someone of the opposite sex, or at all. In 2013, I’d hope we all could be more nuanced and balanced about how men and women approach their personal and professional lives. And recognize that where one goes to college (if at all) does not determine intelligence, class, or grace.

Two years ago…

Of course, last night, after said wall removal, he was overheard mumbling to the computer, “Well this is far more daunting than expected…”

Why do I feel as though this is the ongoing narrative of home ownership?

Three years ago…

Someone’s a tad wiped out from a righteous night of dancing and celebrating her Fairy Godparents’ nuptials. The girl’s gotta learn some stamina if she wants to lead the party life. (Happy happy Anniversary, Dellie & Jeremy! We love you so!)

Four years ago…

I have a wise and dear friend who swears by this form of period blood protection – so while shopping at my local Food Co-op, shortly after purchasing a guide to vegetable-gardening and a composting bin for waste from said garden (I KID YOU NOT), I decided to give the Diva Cup a spin. A whirl? A go? I’m not sure how to describe my relationship with a device that will cradle my bodily fluid.

Currently Gawking

A follow-up to this Honeymaid commercial. Very much in alignment with today’s The Sunny Side, no?

The Sunny Side // 14


“The green dots are fighting bad guys. But you can’t see the bad guys because they’re not in the picture. They’re fighting with rainbows and hearts and flowers and pink, because it’s hard to stay bad when you see such happy things.”

(This is definitely my favorite description thus far. I was a little nervous when she started out with “fighting” and “bad guys” but it quickly took a turn for the awesome.)