
by Ashley Weeks Cart


Another bird down.

On New Year’s Eve day, Nemo was taken out by a falcon.

While no tears were shed, Sunny remarked, “Aw, that’s sad. She was the most adorable hen!”

And she was. She was absolutely our favorite, as poultry favorites go. Super sweet and easy to handle. A consistent and predictable layer, always sticking to the nesting boxes unlike some of our flock *coughBuntycough*. And she laid the prettiest blue eggs.

Such is life with free range chickens. We’ll be getting chicks in the spring to replenish the flock as we’re now down to four hens.

I can’t help but think that it was because I was about to launch my new blog header, which features only four hens. Sorry, Nemo, in this instance, life imitated art.

While on the subject, many thanks to the talented and wonderful Robbi of Idiots’ Books for the updated header. I needed a new look for 2014 reflecting the shifts in our family. I love the pile of Cartwheel critters, and the nod to critters past. I hope that you too enjoy the change!