Gobble Gobble // 2013


My parents and sister have descended. We’ve got a fridge stocked with champagne, local produce, and a recently dispatched butterball. We are ready for you, Thanksgiving. (Here’s our menu). On Friday morning, we’re hosting Pie Breakfast for our neighbors and a few close friends. An excuse to consume leftover pie in good company. I’m excited.

They’ll be trips to the movies. And Marimekko shopping (the outlet is just north of us in Manchester, and we can’t stop, won’t stop). And even the chopping down and decorating of a Christmas tree. (There’s a Christmas tree farm down the street, which makes our lives very easy on this front).

We’ve got hints of the Turkey Day spirit tucked around the house (remember Francis turkey and these plush chickens from last year?). I hope everyone has a delightful, delicious holiday. I am grateful to be spending my Thanksgiving with the people I love most in this world.



