
by Ashley Weeks Cart



“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.”

Sunny: She started gymnastics this week because ballet and karate just weren’t being met with enthusiasm. She’s been requesting to do gymnastics for months, and given all the monkey-barring and somersaulting, we figured we’d oblige. We enrolled her in the preschool class, but after the first day, the instructor asked that we move her up to the kindergarten group because she did so well. It’s unbelievably fulfilling to see your child excited and thriving. For now, it seems that gymnastics is her thing. Given that she’ll probably be a gangly six foot plus in not too long, she may as well enjoy it while she still has the build for it!
Kaki: Topless dinners are pretty standard given this kid’s eating habits. These days, every activity is met with “MY DO!” which means messes are everywhere. All the time. Ah to be two.

More details about The 52 Project here. To view all the portraits in the series visit here.