by Ashley Weeks Cart

Hold on to your cameras, folks! Kate and I are thrilled to announce a photography class, CAMERA READY, that’s going to take your skills to new heights.


After years of working with Kate on projects like this, she generously started teaching me my way around a camera. In one afternoon, I went from bumbling around in auto-mode to shooting comfortably and knowledgeably in manual mode. It was such a revelation and completely changed my comfort with my camera and the images I produced. I also learned what is the difference between mirrorless camera and common DSLR cameras, this was a huge step towards my career.


With my background in event planning and firsthand experience learning from Kate, and Kate’s years working as a professional photographer, we decided to combine our skill sets and create this day long class for aspiring photographers and their cameras. We introduce CAMERA READY.


CAMERA READY is like bootcamp for you and your camera. Only way more fun. It’s a full day spent learning the basics of your camera, shooting techniques, and editing tricks. Whether you’re looking to improve your family snapshots, populate your own blog with killer photos or are a small business owner looking to shoot your own images, this class will give you the confidence and skill to operate your own digital SLR camera from the comfort of your home.


By the end of the day you’ll be able to comfortably shoot in manual mode and know all about aperture, ISO and shutter speed. You’ll understand how best to shoot in low light, bright sun, and how to maximize and use available light most effectively when shooting. You’ll learn the basic rules of framing shots, how to shoot still objects, people, and how to capture a story. You’ll also learn basic editing tricks in Lightroom to really make your images shine.

You’ll head home with all this and a bag full of goodies and custom portrait images from Kate Drew Miller Photography. (Lunch and snacks included as well!)


We’re offering our inaugural classes in our home state of Massachusetts. The weekend of March 2nd is our Boston class at Kate’s gorgeous studio in Salem, and the following weekend of March 9th will be held in my neck of the woods in the Northern Berkshires. For more details about the classes visit CAMERA READY or sign up here. Our hope is to expand our offerings to other cities once we get a few classes under our collective belt. If you’d like us to come to your town, email me and let us know where we should go next!


I hope that you’ll join us on this exciting and fun journey. Contact me if you have questions or would like to be one of our vendors for goodies, decor or food at either of these classes.

We can’t wait to teach you! Now go go, sign up!


Also, I’ve had to make a return to Facebook (ugh!) thanks to all these new endeavors because it wasn’t appropriate to try to manage each project from one account. So now I’m managing THREE Facebook pages (and that’s the extent to which I plan to engage my personal account, merely as a vehicle for admining all these dang pages). If you’re into everything I’m doing, then please, like all three. If you just want FB updates on one or the other or the other of these ventures, then choose accordingly. The page for the blog is here. The page for Camera Ready is here. And the page for The Beauty of Being Born is here.

Thanks for spreading the love and sharing any or all of these endeavors that you find exciting! xo Ash