The Binders Have Spoken.

by Ashley Weeks Cart

Last night, I exhaled for the first time all fall.

Looking at the sea of faces in Obama’s victory crowd, well, it was like a freaking Benetton Ad. Romney’s? Not so much.

Women and men. People from all different generations, all different backgrounds, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations – THAT is America. And it felt so good to wake up this morning with a renewed faith and love for this country. With more women in the Senate than ever before, including our first openly gay Senator and our first Asian-American Senator. With gay marriage passing everywhere it was on the ballot. THIS is the America that I want to be a part of. This is an America that is moving forward. FORWARD!

Courtland awoke just as they were calling Ohio, and I held my little girl to my chest and breathed her in, and exhaled with relief and joy and inspiration for her future, for our country, for our world.

And I want to thank Bearded Stoner for his tweet that inspired me to put together this image.

Mitt’s head courtesy of Robbi of Idiots’ Books.
The illustration courtesy of Margaret Wise Brown’s Goodnight Moon.

Goodnight Mittens, indeed.