42 Months

by Ashley Weeks Cart

Oh hey, Three and A Half Year Old,

This day sure snuck up on me. I hadn’t planned on writing you a letter for this milestone. I said that a year ago. Why I thought that this half birthday would feel any different, less filled with stories and developments worth marking, I do not know, because you…


You are amazing.

You’re kind and loving and creative and smart and so so SO very sweet. From the way you play with your baby doll, making sure that she’s tucked under her covers so she doesn’t get cold at night, to how you carefully stow Shaun the Sheep in an old pretzel jar to keep him from getting eaten by coyotes. From how you hold your little sister’s hand and lead her around the house, teaching her how to push the grocery cart or how to feed the dogs or how to crawl through the tunnel into your forts. From how you help Daddy put the chickens into the coop each evening to how you line up your stuffed animals and tell them stories from your favorite books. Fletcher and the Falling Leaf is your current favorite – we read it nightly – and just this week you’ve had you face painted TWICE with Fletcher’s icicle covered tree. From the way you absolutely rock out and sing at the top of your lungs, word for word, to any Taylor Swift song to the way you hug me so tightly and still say, “NO! I love you to the moon and FRONT!” and giggle with the silliness of your claim.

Your make believe continues to be absolutely mesmorizing. This evening your daddy and I listened as you built a road out of your blocks and drove a toy car up and down the road, pretending that our family was on a trip to Cape Cod. You imitated each of our voices, and when impersonating daddy, you made this goofy, gruff voice and even said, “Okay kids, now we’re going to Cape Cod. Wait! I forgot my wallet. I have to get it. Then we’ll go to Cape Cod.”

Oh you know your father all too well for a child of only three years, 6 months.

You are a delight, my darling. Not without tantrums and complicated 3-year old emotions, but every day I am struck by what a pleasure it is to call myself your mommy. I went to my first of many Parents Nights last month, and as we went around the room introducing ourselves, I had the privilege of saying, “Hi, I’m Ashley. Sunny’s mom.”

And I want you to know the pride that I felt in that moment as those words exited my mouth. And I want to you to know the pride that I will always feel with those words, with that fact.

I am so proud to be your mommy.

143 Mama

Here is a song that you learned recently at school. We now hear it daily during mealtime, as you take note of what food groups we’re eating.