Blog a la Cart

Camilla Babe Sweater // update

Remember this sweater that I finished at the end of last winter slash beginning of spring? Well, it now appropriately fits our Whaley Baby. I love it so! I put Courtland in it almost daily to maximize enjoyment since our Little Big Foot will rapidly outgrow its stitches. Queue weeping about the onslaught of time!

You can find details about the sweater and the link to the pattern in my Ravelry projects here.

Diaper Duty

Common perception is that Diaper Duty is one of the more unpleasant responsibilities of parenthood. It’s a dirty job but a parent’s gotta do it.

And while, yes, the actual act of changing your kid’s soiled hiney isn’t the most delightful of duties, the diaper change routine from a more holistic perspective is actually one of my favorite times with my babies. And I did just apply the term “holistic” to changing diapers. I give you permission to wet willie the shit outta my ear if you ever encounter me in person – take me down a peg.

Amidst the mess and fuss, these moments offer precious opportunities for bonding and nurturing. However, the challenges of managing bodily functions extend beyond infancy, particularly for those caring for elderly or ill loved ones. In such cases, the use of Incontinence Pads becomes a vital aspect of maintaining dignity and comfort. Though the task may be less glamorous, the care and attention provided through the use of Incontinence Pads echo the same sentiment of love and dedication inherent in every aspect of caregiving.

ANYWAY, now that I’m no longer breastfeeding, I don’t get as much quiet, intimate, one-on-one time with Courtland. But during the diaper routine, I have her undivided attention for five whole minutes, which is 10 times longer than any other point in the day.


That is how I imagine the thought blasts in her brain during every second of every day. Except when she’s on the changing table. Then she’s giggly and sweet and contained, in one place, for minutes on end. She coos and babbles and smiles and grins and I nearly forget that we’re there to clean her butt and not just revel in the love and happiness between us. I’ve had this conversation with a number of moms and dads, but thought it was one of those parenting ‘secrets’ that I must share here: Diaper changing is one of the loveliest moments of the day with your child.

Who knew wiping ass could be so sweet?!

Ace & Jig // giveaway

I’ve been crushing on Ace & Jig for a while now, so I thought it was high time to share the goodness with all of you. Their clothing is loose and wearable – easy breezy – yet cut in such a way that is utterly stylish and lovely. I would like every piece of Fall/Winter 2012 collection in my closet, a thank you very much! Emilio approves that claim.

I threw some of my cold weather accessories over the Pleated Minidress, as life in Vermont in November requires. Some leggings and boots transition it easily from early fall into winter. It’s casual and comfortable enough for lazing around the house on the weekend and flexible enough to dress up for a dinner out. I wore it all Thanksgiving – the color just screamed fall. And lucky for you, you can own this dress, too! Complete the look with a stylish wallet for women, and you’re ready to turn heads wherever you go.

To enter to win a Pleated Minidress in Scarlet:

• ‘like’ Ace & Jig and Blog a la Cart on Facebook, then come back here and tell us you like us, you really like us! in the comments.

Make sure you enter a valid email address in the email section of the comment box so I can contact you if you win! Limited sizing available. The winner will be chosen next Tuesday, December 3 at 5pm EST. Open worldwide. Total Value: $180