
by Ashley Weeks Cart

And it happened, friends. Confirmation that Amelia is in fact Emilio. James went up to the coop on Sunday morning to let the flock out and happened upon the infant stages of a rooster’s crow. Listen to the audio clip for your own cock-a-doodle-dooing!


Other weekend highlights included planting next year’s garlic crop. It’s seriously this easy. And prepping our other garden beds for the colder months ahead.

James continued scraping and sanding and prepping the south side of our house for a paint job. We’re going to be changing the color of the house, but we’re only doing one side before the winter sets in. Ah the things we can get away with thanks to living at the dead end of a rural dirt road.

I started this cowl, and spent far too many hours knitting and plowing through episodes of Breaking Bad and then Weeds. Apparently I’m on a drug-themed show kick. But dang it feels good to put my (knitting) needles back to work.

And here are a few snaps from these moody fall days.

1. I drive past that little shed every day en route to work. And every time it puts a smile on my face. I had to finally share her with you.
2. Rapunzel (aka Sunny) rolling in the grass.
3. The hens just love jumping the fence and coming down into our yard. Must be thrilling stuff, pecking at the dogs’ turf and risking an assault by Hanna Banana.
4. It was fire safety week at Sunny’s school, thus the new accessory for her cranium.
5. Kaki’s favorite spot in the house. The corner of the playroom, seated in a chair among her board books.