Currently Reading

by Ashley Weeks Cart

My hilarious pal, Courtney (she, the catalyst for my introduction to James and the gifter of the Pigs in a Blanket maker) passed along a link to this tweet yesterday. The subject of her email message was as follows: To inspire a feminist rage.

And indeed it did.

She and I share a great sense of humor.

Yet neither of us find this “joke” in a pair of men’s trousers funny.

The woman who posted the picture and tweet wrote this piece:

We really are in a bad place as a society when laughing something off has become virtually the only response to anything vaguely anti-female, or anti-male for that matter.

And I very much appreciated this follow-up post:

Banter is not humour; banter is what people have when they lack a sense of humour. Banter is a catch-all word for idiocy that warns the rest of us that Here Be Lads… It is cruelty unleavened by wit but which is excused because it is a bit like wit, if you look at it from a certain angle. It what is left when humour has died, and just the rotting, stinking carcass remains, bearing a resemblance to the living being but lacking all that made it good… If you like banter, you are an idiot.

Pants can’t convey a tone of irony or sarcasm.

And even if they could, the dullness and pathetic obviousness and sexism embedded in this attempt at “humor” would still fall flat.