
Today, between this and this, THIS happened:

That would be the newest member of the Cart family.

A home. Complete with barn. And babbling brook. And kitchen garden beds. And breakfast nook. And prospects of chicken ownership. And swing set. And mountain views. And dirt roads. And everything James and I ever dreamed could be ours. And now is.

This is where our girls will grow up. And I cannot wait to share her with you.

We are officially Vermonters.

And it feels pretty awesome.

I know that I said that this was to be The Year of NO BIG LIFE ALTERING EVENTS, but isn’t that always when opportunity strikes? Like the year I declared I would be single and boy-free and then met a one James Whaley Cart the next day at his 20th birthday party. Sometimes declarations like this allow for the impossible to suddenly become possible.

I didn’t want to share what has been three months in the making until it was really real. But today, the keys were handed over. And we celebrated over champagne and pizza on the empty floors of our new home.

More soon. Now I must sleep and recover from this most splendid day.