Blog a la Cart

Month: February, 2012

Currently Reading

James shared this post on his FB wall today. And I swooned a little harder than usual. Our daughters are lucky to have an amazingly thoughtful and empowering guy for their papa. Y’all should take a read.

I want my daughter to know that being disrespected is NEVER acceptable.  I want my daughter to know that if someone likes her and respects her, much less LOVES her, they don’t hurt her and they don’t put her down.  I want my daughter to know that the  boy called her ugly or pushed her or pulled her hair didn’t do it because he admires her, it is because he is a little asshole and assholes are an occurrence of society that will have to be dealt with for the rest of her life.  I want my daughter to know how to deal with assholes she will encounter throughout her life.

Cotton Candy

Last week I had work meetings in Saratoga Springs, NY. I, of course, had my whole entourage in tow. Such is the current state of affairs due to one very dependent, bottle-refusing nursling.

Fortunately, James came upon an amazing children’s museum that kept the girls happy and entertained while I was working.

The entourage joined our group for lunch, and lucky for us, it was at a local restaurant, owned by a fellow Eph, called ‘Circus.’ Talk about a kid’s dream. After a playful meal under colorful chandeliers and circus-themed walls, the waiter emerged with two huge platters stacked with strawberry cotton candy.

All the adults at the table immediately turned their gaze to the preschooler. We awaited her reaction to the heaping pile of pink fluff.

Sunny’s eyes grew as big as saucers and she whispered in awe, “It’s my birthday!”

Probably the sweetest, most amazing reaction ever.

The mound was bigger than her. And we finished it all. Leaving James with one sugar high 2 year old as I disappeared into more meetings.

I think he deserves a Nobel Peace Prize.


Photos: Courtesy of James W. Cart

Currently Playing

Two of  my favorite jams, in one. It’s a little slice of dance party heaven.

And yes, I’ll continue to blast Whitney and shake my butt through 90s nostalgia.

True Love

This is what I gifted James for Valentine’s Day, because we spend an inordinate amount of our time together in a bathroom environment. Namely dealing with other people’s bodily fluids. Romance at its best.

And this is what he gifted me:

Apparently he really wants to get laid, because nothing makes my heart soar more than the prospect of chicken ownership. My reaction may have been akin to Kristen Bell’s. My chickens are to her sloth. This analogy clearly belongs on the SAT.

For James

The girls are too young to respond to this post with an “Ewwwwwww. GroooOoOOooOss!”

Find more e-Valentines over at Kate Spade.

Will you be mine?

Currently Gawking

How much do I wish I still lived in LA and one of these was arriving at my doorstep?


Bonne Saint-Valentin, mes amis!

Currently Reading

If you read one thing today, let it be this:

Somehow, what has really become twisted in all this, is that communities who celebrate jokes built on violence, lack of safety, and the pain and degradation of others have been allowed to claim the mantle of “fun”, while communities who say, “We love having fun, socializing, dancing, interacting with other people, and yes, sex…and also rape isn’t funny or cool! You are welcome here, but check that rape garbage at the door” are, at best, characterized as the wet blanket.

No. No more of that. I, you, our communities, this city, have no need of a cleverer rape joke. I’m taking “fun” back. That is the social change we need to see here.

I feel unbelievably fortunate to call the brilliant woman who wrote this piece a friend. She’s not only hilarious, and thoughtful, and smart as a whip, she’s an amazing advocate, and my daughters and I are lucky to have her. So are all of you.

Animal Jar Valentines // made with love

I’m pretty dang pleased with this DIY, if I do say so myself. I made a series of Animal Jar Valentines, filled with Hershey’s kisses and M&Ms to give to friends and my coworkers on Tuesday. They are highly adorable, no?

You can use old glass peanut butter or jam jars. Or for a smaller option, baby food jars would be perfect. You can also go out and purchase small jars like I had to. I found these little ones at Michael’s and used mason jars for the larger option.

Sunny proved to be an expert jar filler. Only occasionally sneaking treats for herself.

James and I had fun brainstorming punny tags to accompany each jar. I bet you can guess what he recommended I use for the Pig (i.e. pork) jars. I reminded him that that might not be so appropriate for my coworkers to receive. So we went with “Be Swine” instead.

These would make adorable party favors, too. I imagine that I’ll be doing this little project again in the not so distant future.

Photos: Courtesy of Ashley Weeks Cart

Week 26

The kids are on the mend, which of course means that now I’ve finally caught their germy filth. WE CAN’T WIN!

James is still up to his eyeballs in Admissions files.

The baby continues to be the happiest, giggliest thing ever. That is until she’s mad. Or it’s the middle of the night. Such a fickle creature.

Sunny and I have been doing Valentine’s Day crafts like kindred Weeks spirits, and I am unabashedly pleased with this.

Life is good. Overwhelmingly busy. And exhausting. And have I mentioned how fucking tired I am? But yet still so good. I am thankful everyday to have the problems that I do. The world throws far worse at people, so I’ll continue to be grateful for my sleep deprivation and beautiful, healthy children.

Also, this marks the half way point of this series.  *ONSLAUGHT OF TIME!*

Courtland: 26 weeks
Addison: 32 months