Williamsland – The Arctic Tundra

by Ashley Weeks Cart

Despite piles of snow on the ground, Trick-or-Treating went off without a hitch. Now Sunny can’t stop proclaiming:

I LOVE HALLOWEEN, MOMMY! I love trick-or-treating. And I love candy.

I’d say that she now “gets” this holiday. The two prior she obviously didn’t understand why we were forcing her into ridiculous, fleece animal bodies and dragging her around outside. But this year? She was into it.

She refused to put on a jacket as it would cover up her costume. And she demanded that her candy bag be in her grasp at all times. She marched up to every door, announcing trick-or-treat and proudly shoving her bag out for proper candy appropriation. She took great care selecting her sugary treats from the tubs handed her way. Unfortunately, because she has limited experience in this arena, she often went for the most colorful packaging, rather than the tastiest morsels. I need to teach her to gravitate toward the Snickers Bars and the PB Cups. Brown and orange are the new blue, baby!

What? Who says Mama can’t benefit from this holiday, too?

Actually, one family in the neighborhood totally understands making this holiday as fun for Mama as it is for kiddo. They doled out candy to the kids and margaritas to the adults.

Genius, no?

I have to admit, this was probably the most I’ve enjoyed Halloween since I was a trick-or-treating kid myself. Nothing beats living vicariously through your child’s wonder and joy. I can’t wait to see what this year’s Christmas has in store. Santa is going to blow her mind.

Here are pictures from the evening. Unfortunately we left our charger to the SLR camera in South Carolina, so we only had our phones to document the festivities. We’ll be borrowing the Nikon D90 from the College as much as possible until our cam is up and running again.