More Kak-i-llac!

by Ashley Weeks Cart

Yes, we’ve taken to calling Courtland, Kak-i-llac. Like the car. We sing her to sleep using the soothing sounds of Luda’s “Southern Hospitality.”

Kakillac grills
Kakillac bills
Check out the oil
My Kakillac spills

I only wish we were kidding.

One day I’ll get around to finishing the post I’ve started about the girls’ names. And why they each have the names they do, and why Addison is nicknamed Sunny, and Courtland is Kaki. And how people are Judgey McJudgertons, because apparently it’s everybody’s business to have an opinion on your kid’s name, including the nicknames. <sigh>

Word of advice pregnant lasses (because my lord if there isn’t a shortage of advice for pregnant women. JOKES!): Do not tell people what names you are considering for said unborn child, unless you want a myriad of unsolicited opinions and judgement. And remember, it’s your child, so go right ahead and shrug off those opinions and suggestions. It’s really no one’s business but you and your partner.

Whew. I’m getting firey. I think I may need to go finish that dang post now.

In the meantime, enjoy the photos of our Kaki.