Berkshire Weekend Redux

by Ashley Weeks Cart

Just another perfect fall weekend. Albeit a bit colder and greyer. But that just made the hot cider all the more appealing.

And yes, we do have a second child. We swear. We realize that she is only represented as a red sack strapped across James’ chest. We’re going to remedy this problem so that she can’t blame us in therapy years from now for failing to so thoroughly document her babyhood. Instead, she can tell her therapist that her mother ruined her life by so thoroughly documenting it and sharing it for the whole wide Internet to see.

Also, it is disturbing the number of people that are shocked by the fact that James is carrying a baby, not just some strange, red European carry-all, on his chest. Genuine surprise. I ask you, do they honestly think that a man wearing Crocs and Carhartts is trying to make some kind of fashion forward statement? What else would be in that red pack? A football?

I suppose it could be considered a fanny pack on steroids. A fanny pack for the Millenials!