Blog a la Cart

Month: September, 2011

Day 3: Tuggy Tug Tug

Today was the day of The Tug Boat, with a well-deserved capitalized “the.” Even I had not yet experienced a ride aboard this grand, 15 foot wooden vessel, so it was a much anticipated day by all.

While at a yarn shop with Sunny in the morning (no one should be surprised I dragged her to such a store), the lady behind the counter asked her what she’d be doing later that day. She enthusiastically replied, “I going out on Kimmy’s tug boat!” The woman smiled back doubtingly but I reassured her that the toddler was, indeed, being truthful. We were going for a ride on her aunt’s tug boat.


We took many smiles of the day (Sunny’s word for photographs). Enjoy.










Day 2: I love you, Ocean.

As we left the beach yesterday afternoon, Sunny enthusiastically proclaimed, “Bye, Ocean. Bye, birds. I love you, Ocean. I love you, birds.”

While I cannot relate to a love of those beach sky rats, I realize that Addison has yet to experience the ills of the seagull. I did, however, melt when she showcased her Ulmer side with proclamations of adoration for the briny deep.

Today was another perfect beach day. We once again threw rocks and waded in those chilly waters. We ate ice cream and walked around quaint Cape Cod villages. We lay in the hammock and danced on a boardwalk. And life was good.

Sunny has taken to telling us, “I don’t want to like this,” to express when she finds something abhorrent. Fortunately, nothing from this trip, save a few songs on the radio, have caused such declarations.

And here’s the iPhone dump from yesterday’s dinner and today. The infant smiles, however inspired by gas and not real emotion they may be, are killing me dead.













Day 1: Beaching It

Thanks to the magic of the iPhone and the Hipstamatic App, I shall recap daily our first vacation as a family of four via snap shots.

I refrained from capturing our hour and forty-five minute pit stop during yesterday’s drive out to Cape Cod. Probably the longest period of uninterrupted time I have ever spent at a highway rest stop. Welcome to travel with two kids in diapers! It would not have been complete without a car seat blowout. The first of many, no doubt.

On the upside, Courtland held up relatively well traveling in the car for such an extended period of time, and when we finally got her to go to sleep at 2 a.m. she slept for 7… that’s 1, 2, 3, too high to count! … hours. Of course, Sunny woke up two hours before she did so we didn’t get to reap the rewards of the baby’s sleep longevity, but hey, it means such consecutive hours of sleep are possible! And that potential fills me with enough enthusiasm to get me through today on 5 hours of slumber. That and a triple shot of espresso.

The morning started out a bit rocky, as I came upon James and Sunny blissfully watching a hawk consume a bunny carcass in the backyard. I was instantly nauseated, while James waxed poetic about the importance of teaching our child about the circle of life.

And apparently that includes documenting this bunny disembowelment on my phone for later reference.

THIS is the problem with being married to a man who hunts. He’s so pragmatic and unfazed by the more gruesome sides of nature. While I’m left weeping like a mellow dramatic teen in the bathroom.

Fortunately, the rest of the day has been bliss. A gorgeous, sunny day on an empty Cape Cod beach (I heart the off season), complete with swimming in the ocean and scavenging for seashells and throwing rocks and napping in the sand. Now we’re all resting at the house. I’m basking in the warm breeze on a hammock while Courtland sleeps by my side. Plus, Auntie Kimmy just arrived and Addison nearly pooped her pants with glee (Guys! She pooped voluntarily in the potty yesterday, so pants pooping is on the outs! Woooo!)

It doesn’t get much better than this.20110914-012235.jpg










I’m happy to see this study getting so much attention, for so very many reasons. Not the least of which is that apparently James’ risk for prostate cancer and infidelity is unbelievably low thanks to our dependents and his shared role in caring for them.

See, men folk. It’s well worth it to be an awesome daddy.

The Carts

Here are photos of all four of us (Courtland as represented by baby belly) outside of Joe and Geraldine’s ridiculously awesome barn. Kate is still, clearly, the best.

As always, my favorites are highlighted below and the full gallery follows.

We’re off to visit my family on Cape Cod for the week – here’s hoping for some beach weather and lots of sunshine! Oh how I heart the ocean.

And I leave you with this anecdote. Today, I told Addison that she was my favorite Sunny in the whole world, and she replied, “No, Mommy. I’m smart and precious.”

Well, okay then!




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Photos: Courtesy of Kate Drew Miller


Someone’s ready to hit the apple orchard. Thanks for the dress, Momar.

It’ll be tough to beat last year’s experience.



Look at that sisterly sharing.

What you miss is Sunny shoving the flower up Courtland’s nose.

Hi, Mommy.

I am obsessed with this kid. I think it’s pretty obvious why.

Also, we were separated for a mere 60 minutes while James took the girls on a walk. I don’t know how genuine the whole “I miss you” sentiment is, but it is adorable nonetheless.

Kimmy’s the poop.

And I mean that in the most loving way possible.

Look at what she made. Yep. Pretty awesome.


I had great plans to write a post with my memories of that day 10 years ago. But life and raising a family has gotten in the way.

It dawned on me yesterday that I’m living in the very same place I was on the day of the attacks. It’s strange because the 20s is such a transient period in one’s life and so much has happened in the past decade. All my biggest life events have happened in the past 10 years: Meeting and marrying James. Two cross country moves. A Bachelor’s degree. A Master’s degree. Two dogs. Two children.

And yet here I am. In this safe and idyllic Purple Bubble. My father emailed me on the morning of September 11, 2001 expressing his relief that I was living in such a protected and nurturing place. He knew I was safe and in a community that would support me in the aftermath.

As a parent today, I understand and relate to his words, that email, more than ever. It’s that kind of sentiment that prompted me and James to leave LA and raise our family nestled back in this Purple Valley.

Today, my heart aches.

One day I’ll tell my girls about that day. I’m just grateful it doesn’t have to be today. That they get to hold on to their innocence a little bit longer. An innocence we all lost on that day 10 years ago.

My heart is with all those that lost loved ones in those tragic events, particularly with my dearest friend and her family. We love you, Devita. And are holding you in our hearts today more than ever.