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In my mind, James and I are this cool.

In reality, well, let’s just say that we had a lengthy debate last night that went as follows:

Me: You didn’t even notice that I styled my hair differently today.

Him: I did! And I liked it. But I didn’t want to say anything.

Me: Why not?

Him: Because, I thought it looked that way because you didn’t have time to brush it after swimming at the pool.

Me: Wait? So you’re saying that I looked a hot mess? Like a tangled, disheveled, comb-less Cousin It? And you didn’t think it important to point this out before I went back to the office where I am supposed to present a professional front?

Him: See? This is why I didn’t say anything. Because I liked it. But it was just like, “WHOA! The chlorine really does some crazy ass shit to Ashley’s hair.”

Me: Well, I was going for the whole care-free, wavy, beach hair look.

Him: But we live no where near the beach.


Alas, our life and our biographies may never be as cool as Rodney Smith.

Photo: Courtesy of Rodney Smith


Hemp String Gardening Pot

Below is one of the very easy crafts that we tackled while at The Clark Art Institute’s family day festivities. I call it: DIY Hemp String Gardening Pot. Clever, I know.

Gardening pot
Hemp string
Elmer’s Glue

Directions: This is as straight forward as it looks, which is why it’s a perfect craft for kids. Simply paint a pattern on the pot using a Q-Tip covered in some Elmer’s glue. Then lay the hemp string along the glue markings. Cut the string as needed. Allow glue to dry. Throw in some potting soil and a plant, and voila! You’ve spruced up just a boring ol’ gardening pot.

Sunny and I kept her pot’s design simple as a toddler’s attention span is brief. We wrote her name along the top edge, and then added a heart and simply wrapped some hemp around the center.


My bellybutton has officially become an outie.

Chicken’s done.

Game over.

Sesame Seed, did you hear that? You can stop doing a headstand on my bladder and dislodge your feet from my ribcage anytime now.

Primarily to spare me from life with a protruding naval. Please. Oh pretty please.