Month 6

Renew Dolman Sleeve Tunic in Island Blue and French Terry Lounge Pant in Graphite by be present

You see that? That preposterously cheesy grin on my face? That is the face of one very happy, very relieved, very grateful mama. If you haven’t been reading along, then you may have missed the drama surrounding The Sesame Seed’s kidneys. See here and here to get caught up.

Needless to say, despite reassurance from James, my midwives, many a doctor friend, and beyond, I was managing some pent up emotional stress during Month 6. Fortunately, that was all relieved this past Tuesday with an ultrasound that confirmed that all was well and developing normally with our little one. WHEW!

Since then I’ve had a permanent grin plastered across my face. And a silly attitude to go right along with it. These outtake series are some of my favorite. You can see that the weight of pregnancy is taking a toll on my balance, that’s for sure! But even the past few days of heavy rain couldn’t drag down my mood. When the sun peeks through the clouds, outside I head to push Sunny in her swing, or go for a walk, or throw the ball for the dogs. I am so looking forward to the summer, despite my expanding waistline, where I’ll have more days with my family in the sun and can prepare to welcome our newest addition from the comfort of a sundress (i.e. the tent-like muumuus I can justify wearing when I’m 9 months pregnant in the heat of August).

I don’t know what’s more thrilling, the prospect of donning muumuus all summer long or the fact that our ultrasound confirmed that The Sesame Seed already has a full head of hair like her big sister. Another mohawk baby? YES PLEASE!

Hip hip hooray for healthy, average-sized kidneys! Hip hip hooray for the relative comfort of the second trimester! Hip hip hooray for mohawk babies! Hip hip hooray for still being able to get myself airborne despite an extra 20 or so pounds!


* Do you want to win the outrageously comfortable French Terry Lounge Pant that I’m wearing?!? Of course you do! Jump on over to Green Eyed Monster to enter!

**Photos: Courtesy of Kate Drew Miller Photography
As always, I cannot thank Kate enough for taking on this project with me. She rocks. Truly.

***Clothes: Courtesy of be present
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**** Click to see Month 1, Month 2, Month 3, Month 4, Month 5 and deats on my partnership with be present.