Month 3

Renew Long-Sleeve Raw Edge Tee and Agility Pant by be present

This month has been what one might refer to as a “doozey.” Between the constant exhaustion due to that stupid piece of anatomy called a thyroid not working properly, our first run in with an ear infection, a now sick pregnant mommy, and a dash of family drama, I’m more than happy to wave bye-bye to my first trimester and welcome in the second.

See ya later, nausea. I will not miss you. No, not in the least.

While processing these photos, I noted a number of things:

1. I look like the shaggy dog in desperate need of some sun. I promise to have trimmed bangs and fresh highlights by the time Month 4 rolls around.

2. I have put on noticeably more weight in the belly this month, largely due to the slowed metabolism (DAMN YOU, THYROID!) and, ya know, random cravings for Sour Patch Kids or Cadbury Creme Eggs while strolling the grocery aisles. Typically, I’m not much of a candy person, but hot dang, the Sesame Seed has needs of the sugary variety. Sadly, the belly is not yet in the cute-obviously-pregnant stage, but rather in the did-she-just-consume-an-entire-pizza-and-pitcher-of-beer stage? I may have done the former, but sadly the later part of that question won’t happen for some months to come.

3. Give me 2 months and I will even more strongly resemble that dancing elephant on the back of my tee. The ladies in my weekly Zumba class will be able to attest to this fact for you all.

4. I’m still thoroughly enjoying the appearance of my butt in the be present pants.

5. While my belly has grown, so have my boobs. There’s a plus side (literally) to all this biological nonsense.

6. The “heart” that I am making on my belly in the top photo looks more like an upside down triangle (aka vagina symbol) this month than in the past two. Same idea, right?

7. I love the outtake photos perhaps more than the posed. I get so self-conscious in front of the camera (who doesn’t?) and find that when I’m least aware, I look the most like me.

While it’s been a hard month, I lay in the tub last night (yes, a tepid and dissatisfying one but a bath nonetheless) forcing myself to release all of the stress, both physical and emotional, from the past week. I needed to just breathe and let go of all the petty stuff that builds and cripples me with stress and upset. I found myself apologizing to the Sesame Seed and bonding with that little beating heart in my womb.

Yes, that sentence was dripping in maternal sentimentality, but it’s the truth, and worth saying.

I’m so looking forward to the 2nd trimester, when I’ll feel and look my best during the pregnancy. Plus, it shall be paired with the warming weather and melting snow, which means I’ll be able to resume my regular walking schedule and get my butt out of the gym and into the sun more frequently.

All good things.


* Do you want to win the wonderfully accommodating and comfy Agility Pant that I’m wearing?!? Of course you do! Jump on over to Green Eyed Monster to enter!

**Photos: Courtesy of Kate Drew Miller Photography
As always, I cannot thank Kate enough for taking on this project with me. She rocks. Truly.

***Clothes: Courtesy of be present
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**** Click to see Month 1, Month 2, and deats on my partnership with be present.