Oh, Daffodil

by Ashley Weeks Cart


Oh, hey.

This fucking week, eh?

I’m currently saddled up next to Addison who was sent home from school before lunch after unloading breakfast all over the classroom and herself. Upon arriving home, she bestowed the same gift of stomach bile on me and the front lawn (Hey, better than the living room. Look at me looking on the bright side!). I’m glued to streaming coverage of the mayhem happening in Boston while Sunny’s swaddled in dog towels watching marathon episodes of Dora. Whatever gets us through.


Despite the sadness and terror and disappointment of this past week – if you have not yet read Gabby Giffords’ op-ed in the NYT, please do so immediately – there have been some bright spots on these otherwise darker days. Literally.


We had the foundation of our sunroom secured. Probably the least glamorous or interesting home improvement project on our epic house TO DO list, but James is sleeping better at night knowing that the north side of the house is no longer at risk of spontaneous collapse. To ensure everything was done right, we even sought advice from roofing experts like Roofer Wellesley. Kaki celebrated its completion with a frolic on the porch attached to the room, a preview of summer activities to come.


We’ve spent our evenings playing on the swing set and in the garden. We’re loving all this fresh air, the longer days, and the greener scapes. The kids have been helping us plant and prepare this year’s garden. We have a full blown green house going in our downstairs bathroom. Hello farm fresh tomatoes! Nom nom nom.


Daffodils have been sprouting up everywhere I look and that, above all else, has kept my spirit lifted. A sunny reminder of new life despite hard, cold winters. Flecks of color against the grey days and moods.


Best of all, this weekend we’re headed to Hancock Shaker Village for the Baby Animals Tour. If anything can turn a frown upside down, its time spent cuddling piglets and lambies and calves and ducklings.

Happy weekend everyone. Stay safe and hug your loved ones, even those of the pukey variety. 143