Memorial Day // 2016


A few more snaps from our Memorial Day parade adventure in Williamstown. We’ve been keeping busy, falling in to more of a routine with Sander and wrapping up the school year for the girls. James is taking the majority of his paternity leave after the girls are out for summer on June 20th. We’ll have nearly two months off from our usual routine before I return to work after a much needed 6-month leave (death and birth happening congruently sure fucks with one’s world). I continue (and will continue) to feel so so sad, and angry, and confused, and devastated. My mother is constantly at the fore of my thoughts, but I’ve been keeping up with self-care – daily yoga, weekly therapy, and regular dates with friends and loved ones occupy my time with sweet Sander by my side. It’s an antidote to the grief, and I’ve found myself adjusting my perspective and place in the world as I reflect and adapt to my life unmothered. I’m seeking simplicity, in all facets. And being far gentler on myself and those around me.

And these children of mine are ever my reason for facing each day anew with gratitude and love.



