Condolence Letters

by Ashley Weeks Cart

If you knew my mother, this note from one of her current French students will come as no surprise.

We’ve been overwhelmed with the outpouring of letters and emails and cards and flowers and books and food and love arriving at our doorsteps. It is deeply humbling and comforting to feel so loved and held during such a confusing, devastating time. All outreach strikes a chord of gratitude, but certain words, sentiments, or gestures reach deep within me, and take my breath away with their tenderness, their thoughtfulness, their unexpected connection and meaning. This letter from one of my mother’s 7th grade students is such a letter.


One day I hope to find the energy and strength to properly thank people for the various ways that they’ve held me during this process, but for now, please know, gratitude is in my heart. Amidst the grief and anger and sadness, it’s there. And the cliched co-existence of  so many emotions is one I’ll be forever seeking to understand as I make sense of this new world in which I find myself living.