


“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2016.”

Sunny: Blocks and building and master planning have been a fixation of late. On Saturday, the girls spent all morning filling our living room with an epic block city. And on Sunday, marble maze construction (courtesy of Sunny’s FGPs on her 2nd Christmas – gosh where has the time gone!) was all the rage. I love seeing where their minds take them and how their make-believe unfolds. We have blocks from my father’s childhood mixed in with more recent sets, and it’s clear to see why it’s such a timeless toy.
Kaki: She got sent home from school on Friday afternoon because preschoolers are gross and pink eye is crazy contagious. While at the pediatrician’s to get eye drops, the doctor discovered a small rock lodged in her ear. The four year old had no awareness of this obstacle, and claimed that it was not her doing. Regardless, it took six adults to restrain her and flush out said rock thanks to the resulting hysteria and fear of the water pick. Both mom and preschooler were equally traumatized from the scene that unfolded. And then she slipped on some ice on Saturday and now has an enormous goose egg on her left temple. Kid can’t catch a break. But we managed to get some pretty wonderful smiles and giggles from her this weekend despite all the physical maladies.

More details about The 52 Project here. To view all the portraits in the series visit here.