Portrait of Parenthood


On Tuesday evening, I shared this oh-so-glamorous family photo on social media with the following caption.

Portrait of Parenthood: James is at a board meeting and the dependents are all, Play with me in the snow! Wipe my butt! Read me stories!

And all I want is a fatty plate of nachos and to watch “The Bachelor” in peace. #realtalk #thestruggle #32weeks #somedaysiambetteratthisparentingthingthanothers

I was feeling less than energetic, the whole getting up to pee every hour or so during the night beginning to really take its toll. (8 weeks more! 8 weeks more! Oh F, 8 damn weeks more. Baby, get off my bladder!) I need to give myself some props, as this weekend I had an intense surge of energy and motivation (and third trimester nesting) that resulted in major organization and overhaul of the entire household. No drawer was safe. No piece of furniture unmoved. Now I just need to tackle our basement and barn full of crap and I will have officially sorted ALL THE THINGS! And so, the crash and resulting exhaustion was not unexpected.

I rallied enough to spend some time coloring with the girls (Adult coloring, so hot right now. This is my coloring book of choice). I then lay down on the couch, dramatically bemoaning the impending bedtime story and back rub demands. I was doing it in jest, but Sunny took it upon herself to take full command of story time. She read four chapters of Curious George to her sister, and I stayed on the couch, content and awe-struck by these two little people, reminded that even on my less-than-stellar parenting days, the whole thing is still the most awesome experience of my life.



