BG Summer // 2015


Happy Birthday to my knight in American Eagle cargo shorts circa 1999! He is with the girls in his favorite place in the Universe, engaging in our traditional Labor Day festivities. I’m flying solo at Cartwheel Farm, prepping to shoot a wedding this evening, and then taking the opportunity to organize the bejesus out of our home while it is free of two-legged dependents.

We’re on the brink of a truly hectic and nutty fall where my work load is double its normal size. While I’m sad to not be with my family for James’ birthday or our 7th wedding anniversary, it’s a good moment to have some time to myself before that becomes an impossibility (at least for the next eight weeks).

Admittedly, my dreams of three days of uninterrupted sleep and a schedule wholly my own have been thrown by a dog *coughHannacough* with explosive diarrhea and a pig on the loose (she was retrieved with some effort and copious amounts of food earlier today). Such is the life that James and I have built, never a dull moment, and always other living creatures to care for and love (even when they are leaking bodily fluids and defying your every wish). We can’t imagine life any other way.

And here are some snaps from our trip to the Poconos a few weekends prior with my dearest friend from childhood and her family. It was a beautiful weekend and a joy to see the next generation of girls begin to build their own friendships and memories.





