My Mirror

This morning before work, I was standing in the bathroom obsessing about my pimple-ridden face and glaring roots, when Courtland came around the corner and stopped in her tracks.

She cooed enthusiastically, “Mama! You are perfect!”

“Thanks, love, but why do you say that,” as I continued to fixate on the red bumps along my chin.

“Because you’re fancy, and beautiful, and I love you. Let me take your picture and show you.”

She proceeded to haul me into the room where I frequently snap her photo and demand my phone. I pulled down my sunglasses to hide the bags under my eyes from a night of restless sleep and she quickly insisted that I put them on top of my head.

“I want to see your eyes!”

She took this picture. And I caught a glimpse of what she sees. She doesn’t see acne or hamburger eyes or messy hair. She sees a woman who loves her beyond measure. A woman who loves her for seeing beyond the flaws and reminding her to do the same.

We could all use a Courtland mirror.

I hope she saves that same lens for herself. And if not, I’ll be her mirror.

#youarebeautiful #andothercheesybuttruebodyloverealness