Sock Obsession

by Ashley Weeks Cart


I’ve been on a sock knitting kick of late (which is def not my usual style as I’m an instant gratification kind of gal. Not just in knitting. But in life. So perhaps this new obsession is a sign of maturity? Maybe? Question mark?)

I have done a poor job of documenting my sock creations, but this is the fifth pair I’ve made. My first three pairs were top down (I followed this pattern), and then I learned the wonders of toe up knitting AND knitting both socks simultaneously, and my life has been forever changed. This pattern taught me how to knit toe-up on two circular needles, and this pattern taught me how to knit two socks at a time (what a joy to finish the pair together! No more second sock syndrome for this lass!) My mother received a pair for her birthday in April, my fairy godmother a pair just because I adore her, and then this purple pair is in the spirit of all things Williams (as I gear up for my crazy Reunion season). Courtland selected the yarn and it is a delicious cashmere, which means no machine washing (I tend to lean toward machine washable yarn for socks, because, ya know, the stink. But I couldn’t resist the purple-loving demands of my three-year old).

I finished these socks last week and have already begun another pair. They just seem like such a meaningful, personal gift – but also a useful one – you can guess what I’ll be doing this holiday season for all my loved ones!




Details about this pattern and yarn in my Ravelry projects.