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“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015.”

Sunny: The trees are killing it this week (I don’t think our apple, cherry and plum trees have ever been in bloom simultaneously and it is outrageously magical); and so, we enjoyed a sunny Mother’s Day of flower petal showers.
Kaki: Climbing trees, looking and acting like a kid about to turn four. She’s grown up so much this year. Fewer tantrums. So much more language. Still as spirited as ever, but much more reasonable and even-keeled than a year ago.

More details about The 52 Project here. To view all the portraits in the series visit here.

Mother’s Day


“Moms come in all shapes & sizes, but they’re pretty easy to recognize because they’re the ones who teach you stuff all the time about how to be in the world & sometimes that sounds a lot like: chew with your mouth closed, sit still. stand up straight, be polite, Look them in the eye. & sometimes it seems like that sort of thing doesn’t add up to a whole lot. Until the day you feel the soft ache of love in your heart that makes you take care with a friend who hurts or when you look in a stranger’s tired eyes & you stop & smile. Or when you listen to the ABC song for the thousandth time & you laugh & say ‘again’ & suddenly you understand that is the real thing moms do & it adds up to the whole world.”


P.S. Thanks, Mom. 143.