Spirit Swine

by Ashley Weeks Cart

This weekend was dominated by major spring cleaning. Racking. Clearing. Clipping. Fertilizing. Planting. Pooper scooping. Chicken coop cleaning. Mulching. Composting. Hauling. Dumping.

Hello backyard homesteading in spring!

James and I were grateful for temperate conditions and sunny skies to enable this yearly chore. Meanwhile, the dependents rollicked in the backyard, including Penelope Pig, who found great pleasure in the piles of racked leaves and mess from last season. I have to admit, James and I paused a number of times mid-clean up to admire the bucolic, fairytale-like scene of chickens and dogs and pig and children running on sun drenched meadow.

hashtagwelovevermont hashtagsohard

In this video, Penny models my attitude toward yard work perfectly. No amount of Flat Coat energy could motivate her otherwise.

A swine after my own heart. And oh how I adore those doggie zoomies.