


“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015.”

Psychedelic Sunday in full effect. It’s temporary hair color. Promise. (This one to be exact).

Sunny: She was annoyed that I completely forgot about St. Patrick’s Day and she was one of the few kids at her school without a lick of green to mark the occasion. At dinner on Monday night, she told us all about the “fake pilgrims” that she saw at school. What a brilliant description of a leprechaun.
Kaki: This kid, man. What a character. When asked about the highlight of her day over dinner, she told a dramatic tale of pooping her pants at school. “I was holding my bum and saying, ‘SALLY! SALLY!’ but she didn’t hear me, so I just pooped in my underwear and Lisa cleaned me up. Sometimes, I just have to poop my pants.” (Sally and Lisa are her teachers, bless their hearts, and, fortunately, this is not something that happens regularly, despite the three-year old’s claims).

More details about The 52 Project here. To view all the portraits in the series visit here.