Currently Gawking

Things around ye ol’ Interwebs that caught my eye this week:

Postpartum: The Musical. Truth in advertising, y’all.
I have suction cups attached to my nipples, squeezing milk out of my rock-hard boobs.  I fear nothing.

“I’m sorry to all the mothers I worked with”
I wish I had known five years ago, as a young, childless manager, that mothers are the people you need on your team. 

But as a counterpoint…
We teach women they can do everything men can do, but society has been slower on the flip-side: We haven’t taught — or expected — that men do everything women do.

Ice hockey on sea water. No really. (Auntie Kimmy’s summer home)

I think about this quite a bit with my girls.
I think it can be hard for people — especially women and girls — to speak up for what they need from adults, professionals, their peers. This is a skill, and it should be coveted.

So, I’m not telling my kids to be good anymore. Kind, thoughtful, sensitive to others, yes. But just as kind, sensitive and thoughtful about their own needs. Maybe we can swap Be good with …

Be smart.
Take up space.
Ask for what you need.
Use your voice.
Louder and more than once if you need to.
Ask questions.
Be smart.
Trust yourself.
You matter.