Gladdy, The Nursemaid II

by Ashley Weeks Cart


Since returning to Vermont, Sunny has been rocking a low-grade fever a la her baby sister while in South Carolina. She’s been in and out of school all week, as one infection turned into conjunctivitis and weeeee! Isn’t January fun!?!

On the upside, Gladdy has once again taken up the mantle as best nursemaid chez Cart. On Tuesday, I was downstairs working while (I thought) Sunny was resting in her bed, only to hear great giggles and squeals emanating from above. I soon discovered Gladdy dressed up in headbands and necklaces and blankets, happily thumping her tail, while Sunny cackled with delight on the floor of her room. Later, when Sunny finally did settle down for a nap, I lifted Gladdy up into the top bunk of the bunk bed so that she could keep close tabs on her human while she rested.

We just adore this dog so. I have never lived with such a snuggly fur babe, and it is truly heartwarming.






When she’s not snuggled up in one of our laps, she’s usually monitoring the flow of the house from her perch on the stairs. Such a funny spot to rest, and yet, it’s so apt given her personality.
