Anna on Parade


Yesterday was the annual Halloween parade conducted by Courtland’s preschool. The kids march through our tiny, one way “main street,” popping in to local shops along the way to wish merchants a “Happy Halloween.” Ninjas and princesses and superheroes and kitty cats and even a hot dog or two cling to a rope and parade through town, charming passerbys as they go.

I am going to miss this tradition so much when Kaki moves up to Kindergarten like her big sister.

Courtland is beyond excited about Friday’s impending festivities. So excited, she even let me braid her hair, TWICE, to emulate Anna’s pigtail braids, and agreed to wear the hat, cape AND mittens as part of the costume (a feat rarely beheld in this household). When she caught sight of me in the spectator line of the parade route, she aggressively and eagerly shrieked, “I AM READY FOR TRICK OR TREATING!!!!”

Ain’t that the truth.

Our Anna will look even more the part of Friday, however, with her big sister Elsa, father Kristoff, mother Sven and Auntie Olaf in tow. While we will certainly not be the only Frozen costumes on the block, we are gunning for the most spirited. Pictures forthcoming…






Days like today make me so grateful to be raising my daughters in this community. The number of text messages from friends and fellow parents of our little Anna around town further enforced this feeling. It was a good day.