Stockholm // Day 1


I’ve finally processed all the images from our glorious trip to Sweden. I’ll start by unpacking our time in Stockholm, and then move to our adventures in Dalsland, the Swedish countryside, complete with consumption of beaver and moose. Oh yes, we committed to the spirit of the countryside. I realize that these posts may only be of interest to my fellow-traveling buddy and our parents, but I don’t want to forget one bit of this amazing experience.

Kimmy and I took a red-eye flight from Boston, via Amsterdam, to Stockholm. For travel related information Visit here. Travel was smooth, but sleep was limited. Kimmy, in fact, rocked some serious red eyes in the wake of our travels, giving literal meaning to our journey.

After collecting the key to Maja’s apartment from her sister (who lives with her family nearby on Södermalm island), Kimmy and I freshened up and ventured out to explore the Hornstall Strand area of Södermalm. It was lucky that I had visited just over a year prior as I had a good sense of where we were and how to navigate the island. I knew Kimmy would enjoy this water front area, complete with the allotment gardens or Tantolundens and timber (or wood) boats.


^^The allotment gardens are too precious for words.  Tantolundens are essentially hundreds of small wooden sheds with people’s personal flower and vegetable gardens. It’s such a charming, magical part of the city – such a juxtaposition of a bustling metropolis with quaint, natural sensibilities. I love what that says about the community’s priorities and investments – the culture of the people of Stockholm who are clearly invested in preserving and offering opportunity for engagement with the natural world even within an urban environment.^^


^^We grabbed a bite on the patio of this outdoor restaurant right along the walking path of the waterfront.^^


^^The water is clean enough, even in this large city, for public swimming right along the water front. There were small beaches and public docks where children and families enjoyed themselves and this aquatic wonderland.^^







^^So many beautiful boats right along the water (Kimmy was in heaven). We enjoyed the adorable food trucks and opportunities to lounge and take in the scene.^^




After thoroughly enjoying our stroll and site-seeing escapade, we met up with Lars for a quick dinner around the corner from his apartment (Maja was already out west, prepping for the wedding). Pane-Vino is a delicious Italian restaurant with an adorable outdoor patio set up during the summer months. It’s located just outside the Zinkensdamm T-bana stop.




Given the jet-lag and the red-eye flight, after dinner we turned in early to Maja and Lars’ gorgeous Stockholm apartment, and caught up on some much needed sleep so that we would be properly rested for the next day’s adventures.