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Why I’m a Feminist

This video captures rather quickly some of the many many reasons I call myself a Feminist. Thanks to the reader who sent it my way!

Mask Madness


One of my favorite activities when traveling abroad is to visit grocery stores, pharmacies, and stationary/book stores. It’s so interesting and fun to see the differences (and similarities!) in products and food and sensibilities of one country to the next. It’s a wonderful insight into another culture.

While in a sweet stationary shop around the corner from Maja and Lars’ apartment in Stockholm, I picked up a number of goodies for the girls, including a mask coloring book. I also picked up some uniquely shaped highlighters (as the girls are currently obsessed with all things neon, as seems to be very on trend), so they used said highlighters to decorate an array of the mask designs this weekend. We then went to town with glitter and jewels, before cutting them out and adding an elastic for the make believe to commence. I do hope we can create a series in not so neon a palette, but we’re off to a fun start.