Independence Day // 2014

We spent the 4th of July in Philadelphia (how apt) with James’ mom’s family. James’ grandfather had all of his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren in the same place, at the same time. A special occasion indeed.

We then drove to James’ parents’ lake cabin in the Poconos to enjoy the rest of the weekend, complete with sparklers. I promise that the photos make their use look far more dangerous than it was IRL. Festive outfits were worn. Ice cream was consumed. Life was as it should be on America’s Birthday.

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^^Outfit courtesy of my ’80s childhood.^^


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^^We spent the afternoon attempting to fly a kite with the extended family.^^


^^I don’t even know what to say about James’ outfit. Did he tell you that those pants can convert into shorts at the zip of a zipper? Welcome to my life!^^


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