Kindergarten (Camp)

This week, Sunny has been attending Kindergarten Camp, a program offered by her new school to orient all the Kindergarteners to their teacher, their classmates, their classroom, their school, the bus route, etc. It’s a thoughtful effort to help prepare the kids (and staff) for the big transition this fall.

Sunny has been riding the bus, and eating in the cafeteria, and playing on the swing set, and learning in the classroom that she’ll call her own come September. James and I have been so happy (and relieved) to see how readily she’s taken to the change, how excited she is to spend time with her new “friends,” and how disappointed she is each day at 12:30 when the camp ends and we bring her to her “old school.” This is only a half day program, though she’ll go full days this September, and it’s exciting to see how ready she is for that change.

When I met the bus on Wednesday afternoon, I stood eagerly waiting for Sunny’s appearance on the bus steps while the driver summoned her forth.

Sunny, it’s your stop.

C’mon, Sunny, your mom’s waiting.

Suuuunny, let’s go sweetie.

She finally appeared with a huge grin spread wide across her face and bounded down the steps. When asked what had caused the delay, she merrily responded, “Mama, I had to give all my new friends hugs goodbye.”

And I wiped a very joyful tear from my cheek.
