The Farjers


A few days late, but nonetheless, I could not have survived  this weekend, let alone the past decade slash lifetime without the support of these two men (and my mama and sister).

James, in particular, has held our household together, has held me together, during the past two weeks of mayhem. I know that our children and many other living dependents (garden included) are in able, loving, caring hands in my absence. Granted, they dwell in the dark as the man refuses to turn on any house lights, even as evening descends, and if he did, nary a shade would be drawn – but I am more than willing to accept this Vampire-esque behavior in exchange for everything else he gives and brings to our family. I could never put to words all that he does for me and our children. I mean, just look at that mop of blonde hair that he has passed on to my girls! Total swoonfest. Particularly when paired with the ombré neon headband!

James, 143, to the moon and front.