
by Ashley Weeks Cart


Things are a bit, um, chaotic on Cartwheel Farm. We’re living under a jungle of vegetable plants and peeping chicks and muddy puppies and convalescing super mutts. And Sunny’s FGPs and their baby boy are coming to visit. They arrive this evening, so we’re trying to create some semblance of calm and cleanliness. Ha!

While this space may be a little quiet until next week, the kids and I have been having a blast creating ridiculous Instagram posts of the wee chicks. Follow along @blogalacart and the hashtag #dailydoseofchick for a ridiculous hit of adorable every day. And don’t hesitate to spread the word – it’s been amazing to see how much people are enjoying these photos. And I must admit, we’ve had a blast staging these pictures. And we’ve got some fun ideas in the works… so keep an eye out!