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The Sunny Side // 17


This sweet painting is a gift that Argentinian artist Lula Ruiz sent to her “fellow artist,” Sunny. Addison was awestruck. Eyes wide. Goofy, gleeful smile. The fact that it is a watercolor painting of a fox, her favorite animal, is icing on the cake. She was feeling “so so super happy and proud” that she’s sold five of her paintings this week, but this unexpected gift really caught her by surprise and filled her day with joy.

I would like to give each and every one of you that has supported Sunny’s little project a big, sloppy, open-mouthed kiss. Whether with a nice comment or email, or by acquiring one of her paintings for your own home, you’ve really inspired my little girl (and brought me to happy tears).

Me puse asi de lindo porque sabia que iba a verte.

(Translation: I got myself all pretty because I knew I was going to see you.)

More of Lula Ruiz’s work on Facebook and her blog.

Currently Reading

Some really good food for thought for this particular mama who cringes and bemoans the princess/pink madness regularly:

“Chill out” is very good advice. The pink phase will pass like anything else, and if it doesn’t, well, then, you have raised a human being who really likes pink. Which is the same as raising a human being who really likes green. The meaning of the color is what we make it mean. By steering our daughters away from the pink aisle to subvert dangerous gender norms, we’re reinforcing them.