We’re Doing It Right

by Ashley Weeks Cart

This weekend, Sunny and I watched this sweet video of Sunny’s first babysitter, our nanny in L.A., getting married. Chantelle will always hold a dear place in my heart as the woman who helped me learn how to become a mother by loving my daughter when I needed it most. It was magnificent to get a glimpse of this beautiful milestone.

Sunny happily watched the video and admired Chantelle’s dress.

Her: Mama, will I wear a dress like that if I get married?
Me: If you want to, yes. If you get married, you get to decide what you want to wear.
Her: Will I decide what my wedding will be like, or will the boy or girl I marry decide?
Me: *Silently fist pumping* Well, you’ll get to decide WITH whoever you marry how you want your wedding to be.

And that was the end of the conversation. She has no sense of her own sexuality. She’s four years old. All that conversation indicated is that she’s been exposed to enough (diverse) adult relationships to understand that you can marry whomever your heart desires. And that marriage is not a foregone conclusion.

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