
by Ashley Weeks Cart

Admittedly, we are not so frozen, as this morning we fly south to Florida for a 10 day vacation slash work trip. Here’s to escaping yet another week of Arctic temps. Mother Nature is one wild woman this winter.

We begin our adventures at Disney World with James’ parents. Yes, the girls have been on the verge of exploding from awesome overload for weeks, and this morning they may just combust before we make it on the plane. I’ll have many more thoughts about the experience when we’re home, but for now, I’m channeling my children’s pure and untainted joy for the days ahead. I’m sure I’ll be posting heavily on Instagram – so do follow along: @blogalacart.

And in the name of Disney, I was beyond excited to learn this week that the songs for Frozen (that play constantly and on repeat in our home and cars, and that James and I genuinely adore almost as much as the girls) were written by none other than a fellow Eph (who happens  to have been in the same a capella group that James’ mother was in while at Williams). She and her husband are nominated for an Oscar for “Let It Go” and I have no doubt that we will witness them receiving said award this Sunday. The music is so so awesome. And the movie, also awesome. It gets two very very enthusiastic thumbs up from this rather critical and jaded, anti-princess, feminist mama. On that note, we’ll see how I survive my first foray to Disney with daughters…

After Disney, I’m headed to Vero Beach for work, while James and the girls stay with his parents at their house in the Keys. I’ll join up with them next weekend, and spend a few more days relaxing before we head back home to our pack of dependents. Here’s to Vitamin D and some meaningful family time!

And I leave you with the NYT interview of Kristin Anderson-Lopez ’94 and her husband – we’ll be cheering them on Sunday night. hashtagephpride hastagdoyouwantotbuildasnowman