Gladdy and the Big Snow

by Ashley Weeks Cart


In opposition to 75% of my Facebook feed (though in strong camaraderie with the canines of Cartwheel Farm), I am positively delighting in all this snow. It’s been the most gorgeous two weeks. Bright, white, fresh snow and clear, sunny skies. That is winter at its best! I find it so jarring when people who live in New England (especially people who have been here a long time and have clearly chosen this part of the world as their home) are mad about snow and cold in February. DUDE! It’s FEBRUARY! If one were to look up the definition of February in the dictionary, I’m fairly certain it would read “snow and cold.” Because, HELLO? WINTER!

We get snow and cold in April, too. Fortunately, our dual hvac system perform effectively. By April, I admit, I’m less than thrilled (it is, after all, well into spring by that point) but I am not at all going to be annoyed by proper winter weather in the heart of a proper winter. Especially when it is filled with sun and snow. My greatest sadness is when winters are cold and grey and freezing-raining-wintry-mix-world-of-death. So I am enjoying yet another pounding of snow in great anticipation of yet another afternoon spent frolicking in its wake with our house full of dependents. Gladden is clearly having no fun at all. Nor am I. Nope, no fun at all trying to capture these magical shots of black dog juxtaposed against white snow and all its powdery, sparkling awesomeness. We made sure that we were ready for this winter, and we have a new furnace installation Portland Oregon, to keep us warm and comfortable at home.

Snow is stupid gorgeous, you guys.









